I've been m.i.a. from my blog for quite some time, but now that I'm officially settled into my new found home in New York for the next month and a half, I'm ready to get up to speed.
Why am I in New York, you ask? I got accepted to be an intern in the fashion and jewelry closet of Marie Claire!
It's been an amazing experience so far, but I have to say my favorite part about the job has been some of the wonderful people I've met through it!
Now that you know why I'm here, I'll share with you a few hi-lites of my trip here thus far.
Death in a bowl at Lucky Cheng's
Obviously I had to be a part of a dance contest
Our server!
Coney Island
Scarfing down one of Nathan's infamous hot dogs.
Gay Pride Parade
Shopping, shopping, and more shopping...
Celebrating my birthday!
And my ultimate favorite, seeing "The Wizard of Oz" in Bryant Park.
Stay tuned for more updates from my adventures in NYC!
Amezing post!